Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

It is now the day that everyone has been waiting for, Christmas! I hope you all had an amazing day and spent time with your loved ones :) Today I realized something and that's that I'm going to start blogging. I enjoy it and want to pursue it! Zoe Sugg is my inspiration and hopefully I can follow in her footsteps :)
This is just a short little blog to let ya'll know what's going on!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


If there is one thing that I've learned, it's this: Popularity doesn't matter. 

All throughout elementary and middle school, all I worried about was being considered "popular" and staying away from the "weird kids" or "nerds". I feel horrible to know I was like that. Once I hit high school I realized something that changed my life. I'm now a new person because of this. If you're reading, really let this sink in. Popularity doesn't matter. Here's why: Once you're out of school you won't even see 75% of your class. You won't be around them. You'll have your friends and that's all that matters. Don't go through school trying to fit in. You'll regret it. Once you're out of school.. what's the point? No one will ever ask you, "Were you popular in school?" and walk away if you say no. If you want to live a happy carefree life don't worry about what others think. Be you:

Wear what you want.
Listen to the music you like.
Watch the shows/movies you like.
If you enjoy something, do it.
Be friends with who you want.
Go where you want.

Basically, BE YOU. If you a shirt but don't want to wear it because of what others will think? Who cares? Wear it! Don't let what others say get to you. You are the only person you can control. YOU are the ONLY one. If someone gives you hate don't listen to it, just forget it. Yes it will be hard, but don't stoop down to their level.

In life, follow this advice.

1. Don't worry and stress about being popular.
2. Be you and don't what you want.
3. Don't let what others say bring you down.